Tag Archives: Playstation

Reaper Coming to PS Vita


Luc Bernard has resurrected his action RPG platformer Reaper, according to his post on the Playstation Blog last friday. Once slated to launch on the PSP in 2010, Reaper will be an exclusive f2p title for the Playstation Vita. And Mr. Bernard isn’t shy about professing his love for Playstation’s Vita saying: “Personally the Vita is my favorite portable system for many reasons, which I don’t think I need to go into since you Vita owners already know them.”


Reaper will incorporate a card system mechanic that will allow the player to equip various weapons, armor and skills. Pet and summon cards will provide the player with allies to aid in battling the Reaper’s foes. At launch, Bernard states that around 100 cards will be available with future updates expanding the inventory. And those skeptical of the f2p aspect can take solace in a comment left by the game’s creator in the blog comments: Bernardf2p


With its setting and inspiration rooted in the macabre, Reaper’s storytelling will focus on the personal aspect of death and its emotional impact. Though much of the story is being left for later announcements Bernard has provided back-story on Death, one of Reaper’s main characters. Death has been enslaved by her sisters after failing to heed their warning. Consumed by love, Death created the first Reaper by gifting a mortal lover immortality. Corrupted by the newly appointed power, the Reaper left Death and her resultant punishment ensued. After reluctantly accepting her fate, she has created an army of drone-like Reapers to complete her work.
Reaper Concept 1 Reaper conecpt 2







Alongside his announcement, Mr. Bernard provided a trailer for the game. The trailer showcases the battle mechanics within the game, but takes an interesting turn in juxtaposing it with a gloomy score. Reaper is slated for a release sometime this year, though a firm date has not yet been announced. More updates on Reaper are sure to follow during E3 and beyond. Check out the official blog post, as Mr. Bernard has been gracious in answering questions about Reaper in the blog’s comments section.