Tag Archives: Kickstarter

Studio MONO Reviving InSomnia

After being sent back to the drawing boards following its 2013 Kickstarter cancellation, Studio MONO is ready to get people behind InSomnia. Following intensive tweaks and rework of their unique Dieselpunk RPG, this multinational independent developer is attempting to increase their potential for success with simultaneous Steam Greenlight and Kickstarter campaigns. With both set to begin on June 23rd, Studio MONO is getting ahead of the game by releasing some early information regarding the current state of InSomnia.

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Opinion: Dangers of a new IP

With the recent trend of re-inventing and re-hashing old concepts, it is easy to slip into “cynical mode” concerning the games industry. Many developers have been re-imagining staple franchises and porting tons of older games as of late — and don’t get me started about all those sequels either. That doesn’t mean there aren’t fresh IPs coming though. With the release of PS4 and Xbox One, there are already many new projects coming down the pipe. With the gaming industry gaining ground with the new console generation, developers are feeling more adventurous in creating new brands vice continuing on old ones.

The unfortunate truth is that the great risks inherent to developing new IPs have often deterred publishers from backing these projects. With the recent success and popularization of the indie game movement, we are finally seeing a resurgence in original content, in both story and design. With publishers and developers tight-lipped about videogame budgets, it is hard to get a perspective on how these projects are vetted and published. Kotaku published an excellent article that researched 115 games and estimated their costs from information given by publishers, which helps give an idea of the money at stake when making games.

Many game developers have embraced avenues like Kickstarter and Steam Early Access to get the ball rolling with their new titles, utilizing crowdfunding as a tool to determine if their IP has a chance or not. This process helps the creators to receive the needed money for development, but more importantly… exposure. One of the easiest ways to get publishers on-board with your game is buzz. The more attention a game gets during its development cycle, like a successful crowdfunding campaign, can go a long way in its being picked up and distributed. One thing to note is that this exposure comes with a cost as Kickstarter retains 5% of your pledges, and Amazon another 2%. This 7% reduction can fuel some harsh budgetary constraints if it starts reaching into the cookie jar.

Some critics argue that crowdfunding a game can lead to unanswered promises when budget pitfalls rear their ugly head. Backer rewards may also suffer if the creators fail to do enough research into the costs of the incentives they provide in their pledge rewards. Leigh Alexander did a great job in laying out these concerns in her article on Gamasutra. It isn’t all bad though, as Shadowrun Returns and FTL: Faster than Light are brilliant examples of how kickstarter success can exceed expectations.

Well now that I’ve spoke about the bad, let’s revel in some new IPs that are slated to drop.

Finally, a game that begs for cooperation. Evolve will have 4 players teaming together to take down a massive player controlled monster. This game has been getting a lot of coverage, so I won’t waste my breath. Check out this awesome gameplay trailer:

Hyper Light Drifter
Old world flair meets new world design with this game, as HeartMachine is dedicated to providing a modern take on the classic action RPGs we grew up playing. Promising a vast world and engaging combat and exploration, Hyper Light Drifter looks to scratch that retro game itch. Check out their kickstarter page here.

After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Counterplay games is working hard on releasing this tactical turn-based strategy game. Boasting ranked competitive play, Duelyst is banking on giving a new outlet to online gamers. Here is a look at the trailer, for more information check out their kickstarter page here.

Get Even
Though much of the game is still shrouded in mystery, many are touting that Get Even will combine modern FPS elements, and even taking cues from Dark Souls II mechanics by “blurring the lines between signe and multi-player”. This is definitely a game to keep a look out on.

Check this out: Kickstarter Games

Kickstarter is a perfect nesting ground for launching some independent, original, and sometimes incredibly innovative games. As a Kickstarter fan and supporter, I often peruse this section to see if any interesting projects are hidden within. With the reception of games born out of “Kickstarted” projects being scattershot at best, I tend to tread lightly when funding games. But that doesn’t mean I don’t keep an eye out for those hot up-and-comers. I recently searched the Kickstarter video games section, and have chosen a few I think might be worth following, if not putting some dollars into.

Check this out!!