Tag Archives: DOTA

DOTA 2: PUG Life

Recently, I have entered the MOBA scene, or multiplayer online battle arena for the uninitiated, with casual wonder. This was not my first foray into competitive online games, but it has proven to revitalize my passion for the genre and give birth to my support of the overarching phenomenon known as e-Sports. While I have never been a hater of professional gamers, I hadn’t really participated in the movement. With the monolithic success of DOTA 2 and the overwhelming support via twitch TV and other streaming services, the status of e-Sports has begun to grow from a hardcore gamer niche to near professional sport levels within recent years. While this will not be a story of my aspirations to become a professional gamer, it will be an account of my experiences from my humble beginnings to my current state in the game. Fear not! This will not be an attempt to review DOTA 2, as Mr. Sean Bean will succinctly prove, such an attempt would be a fool’s errand:

Ain't that the truth.
Ain’t that the truth.


This is the beginning of my toils as a lone gamer in DOTA 2…

Initiate Rant Protocol!