Tag Archives: Amazing

Dead Rising 3’s Super Fan-service!

Now some people might be cynical about the newly announced DLC for Capcom’s Dead Rising 3, but in the timeless words of 3LW: “Haters gonna hate.”

Behold Pro-Tier Fan-Service!
Behold Pro-Tier Fan-Service!

For those itching for some new content for Dead Rising 3, look no further than the newly announced *takes deep breath* Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha Prime. The new multi-player DLC is bringing back the beloved characters from the previous Dead Rising games with an all new twist — Cosplay?… Yeah, Cosplay!

Instead of just functioning as superficial eye-candy, each outfit will come with signature “Super-Moves”. The trailer also boasts the infusion of power-ups and bonus stages to induce an epic nostalgia coma!

With a massive line-up from Capcom’s most iconic franchises, its hard to not be excited about this announcement. Even better, the DLC is available right now on the marketplace. Talk about E3 surprises!